Food Insecurity Becomes Focus for Population Health Programs

Food Insecurity Becomes Focus for Population Health Programs

“Healthcare providers, payers, and other industry partners are increasingly recognizing that tackling food insecurity is a major component of a successful population health management program…

As the healthcare industry starts to ramp up its data-driven capabilities overall health system costs, asserts a 2017 study from BMC Geriatrics and Population Health Management. Access to federal food assistance programs such as SNAP reduced the likelihood of hospitalization for seniors by 14 % and cut the likelihood of nursing home admission by 23 %, the study said.

Public and private payers have been taking the lead in this area.”

This article from Health IT Analytic’s Population Health News explores how health systems are providing access to healthy food options, addressing food insecurity, and incorporating diet “prescription” programs. Read the full article here.

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Empowering Health Through Dignity and Trust

Empowering Health Through Dignity and Trust

Community food club and a comprehensive produce prescription program prove that food insecurity and diet-related disease can be overcome through programs that empower and enable healthy choices. See this case study from Health Care Without Harm on Spectrum Health and their community benefit work in Michigan.

This piece appears in Health Care Without Harm's Delivering Community Benefit: Healthy Food Playbook

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Honoring Local Knowledge, Growing Health, and Improving Equity

Honoring Local Knowledge, Growing Health, and Improving Equity

"Albuquerque sits in the high desert straddling the Rio Grande River. It is the largest city in New Mexico, but despite the predominantly urban setting, there are still many areas with limited access to grocery stores and a lack of affordable produce. These factors contribute to the low rates of healthy food access and food security and the resulting high rates of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease." In Albuquerque, NM, Presbyterian Hospital supports local agriculture, food access, equity, and economic development through community supported agriculture, a mobile market, and a wellness referral center.

This piece appears in Delivering Community Benefit: Healthy Food Playbook

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